About this experience

SLC Astro Club: Align with Sagittarius
Tuesday 3rd December
Amanda Simon

Are you curious about Astrology and how it impacts our lives on a day-to-day basis? Do you want to gain an understanding of the here-and-now, and decode the astrological weather of our current climate?

Our monthly Astro Club with SLC resident astrologer Amanda Simon is an opportunity to check-in your like-minded astro-curious community and explore astrology in action, making it relevant to current affairs, personal affairs and social consciousness.

Think monthly horoscopes, but with more depth, relevance and understanding. The world of astrology is vast and has so much depth for us to explore. One of the most challenging aspects is understanding how to progress, learn, and experiment with celestial energies. In SLC Astro Club, you’ll walk away with the Astro forecast and the tools to use your own birth chart for empowerment and liberation. 

Situated resolutely in the dark half of the year, Sagittarius is hoofed and handed, part animal part human. The archer, the explorer, the wanderer into new worlds. Always seeking - the arrow pulled back scanning for the next horizon to canter towards.

The journey, the process rather than the destination keeps Sag’s fire fuelled. Thighs - the region of the body ruled by Sag, the animal end the propels into new terrain and territory. Collecting threads through wandering, gathering ideas and visions along the way which will, in time, be woven into the latest ‘must have, must think’ orientation. Jovial and jubilant for discoveries full of infectious enthusiasm in sharing them, which can become dogmatic, preachily and pushy.

The fire in the dark, Sag’s light is inner embers, a candle cast into unforeseen vistas. Sag is alive with the mystery - alighted and alive in their bones, sometimes derailed - an arrow gone askew.

Yet with animal instinct close - whiffs of wonder for the unseen haunt their hoofed rear ready to roam. If you are feeling revelry in the air then you are in keeping with the hoofed Centaur - keep harnessed to the deeper quest, the yearning that extends into the sacred and enjoy the ride.

Beginner? No problem we’ve got your back! Seasoned pro? You’ll love it! All are welcome as we seek to cultivate an astro community and deep-dive into the planetary movements. It’s a space to learn, laugh, connect and explore and is open to anyone and everyone who is interested in learning more about astrology!

Choose to come every month, or dip in and out. There are no rules… other than the planetary rules that is!

Topics include:
✨Monthly Astro forecast in relation to us as individuals and the collective.
✨The energies of each Zodiac sign and how their traits might impact us
✨ How the planets' transits show up in our lives individually and on the collective
✨ Moonology and the lunar phases to encourage cyclical living
✨ The myths and legends buried within the stars and how they illuminate the skies 

Your Host

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Amanda is an Astrologer, Artist, Acutonics practitioner, writer and educator who skillfully weaves together her various practices and perspectives, past and present. She advocates, with all her heart, amplifying the complexity and multiplicity of life. Through her works, she care-fully co-creates the capacity for a plugged-in participation with all that life brings and holds. Much of her training has been in the US, where she has found an Astrological sensibility that weaves together Hellenistic, Sumerian and Psychological Astrology. These strands have been crafted into her own mythopoetic reading practice. Additionally she works with planetary frequencies and is trained in Psychotherapeutic modalities.