About this experience

Saturday 10th August
10AM - 5 PM

10 years ago, amidst the Lions Gate of 2014, the SLC portal opened.

It was a powerful time to unleash this Leo baby to the world… often seen as the opening of a galactic gate that serves as a channel for spiritual growth, healing, and manifestation. It’s a time associated with new beginnings and connection. I guess it was meant to be.

10 years on, we’re ready to embrace a new era and enter the lions gate portal of 2024. This is a new era, a new cycle of SLC. 

Would you like to journey into the unknown with us? 


Enter the Portal is an immersive galactic experience to collectively re-imagine the future. 

As the Sun, Sirius and Orion align with the constellation of Leo in the sky, what messages will you channel from the ancients?

None other than the Ancient Egyptians placed huge signifcance on this power cosmic gateway. And, as we're Egypt-obsessed here at SLC, we've created a fun and immersive experience to journey back to the Age of Leo and harness the power of the pyramids during this cosmic gateway. Collectively we will re-imagine the future of humanity, mother earth and the children of tomrrow with this powerful manifestation. 

What better way to celebrate our 10th Birthday! 

We are entering a new era. 


This is a ticketed event (£5 per ticket). Guests will be invited to enter the portal in groups of 8 maximum, after answering the Riddle of the Sphinx. Headphones will be used to guide participents throughout. It is a fully sensoring experience designed to entertain, inspire and manifest. We hope you enjoy it as much as we've enjoyed creating it. 

All guests will receive a golden ticket to use as a 15% discount in store. 

WARNING:  This event includes flashing lights which may not be suitable for those who are photosensitive or have epilepsy. 



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We are a thriving community, space and voice for an awakened generation. It’s a lifestyle.... a conscious lifestyle.

Being a conscious brand is also about supporting you on your journey. Through our community, events and product we aim to provide you with the tools to live in the present and feel more centred; to adopt a mindful approach and to make conscious choices throughout your own journey.