About this experience

Astrology is a way of finding our place in the world, and the world's place in us. Your astrological birth chart symbolically offers the makeup of your multi-faceted self. It brings to light all the planets, asteroids and zodiac creatures teaming within you, ecosystems within ecosystems which may be overly attended or neglected.

It is this rich matrix that we encounter together when we sit with your natal chart—a meeting between you, me and the night sky, a soulful encounter. Like with any practice of divination coming with a question or concern can open up the sacred circle, then together we follow the astrological symbols, the myths, the stories all of which help place life events in a wider context, offering wisdom in unexpected ways.


You will be asked for your birth details (time, date, year and place) upon booking, so Amanda can prepare a reading that is individualized and personal to you. 

✨ Please note that all one-to-one sessions are for single individuals; we cannot allow additional people to sit in on a reading. We understand that it can be tempting to bring a friend or family member along, but we believe that each individual deserves to receive a personalized and private experience.

Your Host

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Amanda is an Astrologer, Artist, Acutonics practitioner, writer and educator who skillfully weaves together her various practices and perspectives, past and present. She advocates, with all her heart, amplifying the complexity and multiplicity of life. Through her works, she care-fully co-creates the capacity for a plugged-in participation with all that life brings and holds. Much of her training has been in the US, where she has found an Astrological sensibility that weaves together Hellenistic, Sumerian and Psychological Astrology. These strands have been crafted into her own mythopoetic reading practice. Additionally she works with planetary frequencies and is trained in Psychotherapeutic modalities.