About this experience

Saturday 22nd February
3 - 5 PM

Valentina Olper <3

Join Valentina for the first of the Year Psychedelic Sound Meditation, a sonic rite of passage to start to 2025 gently swaddled in Valentina’s harmonic frequencies. 

Earth reality is very much a school for learning how to master one’s emotional states without suppressing or controlling them.


Psychedelic healing, plant medicine and sound are some of our most powerful allies in this quest. As individuals, we can learn to tune into that (psychedelic) place within our consciousness
where we are healthy, radiant, have all of our desired attributes and can effortlessly face all of life’s challenges — our pure heart.


Showing up to ourselves and others from this expanded state regularly empowers us to transmute conditions in the lower octaves of our being.

Join Valentina as we delve into the magical world of ceremonial psychedelics, plant medicine and sacred healing frequencies and learn how to incorporate these elements into your life to
create more love, balance, authenticity and prosperity.

We’ll begin with an introduction to psychedelic therapy and sound. These modalities are especially relevant in light of the current psychedelic renaissance and our disenchantment
with the failing medical system.


We will then experience how music and healing frequencies can help us reach expanded states of consciousness without substances through a sonic soul shower that will take you
on an alchemising psychedelic journey gently swaddled by Valentina's harmonic frequencies.


You will be lullabied by crystalline sound waves, earthy Himalayan bowls, the feminine planetary frequencies of Valentina's Venus gong, and her Angelic Tuning Forks.

The experience will also include a Wavepaths music journey.


Wavepaths is a generative music software born from the research of neuroscientist Mendel Kaelen, together with Brian Eno, in the psychedelic department at Imperial College LND, for music as
psychedelic therapy.


The resonance of structured music will facilitate psychic movement akin to a psychedelic trip, complementing the restorative effect and transmission of the pure frequencies of sound healing instruments.


After gently landing back to normal consciousness, we will have some time to integrate any material that emerged, as well as discuss plant medicine and the psychedelic movement in general.


Combining the power of ancient and new technologies, this workshop will transmit psychedelic wisdom to your soul, cleansing your aura and soothing your mind while bringing coherence and harmony back into your energetic field.


Leave feeling empowered to effortlessly embrace the magic, awe and wonder of being a soul having a human experience in this moment in time. 


This workshop is for anyone who wants to:
Learn about psychedelic therapy, plant medicine and sound healing
Explore deep relaxation and emotional release
Naturally plunge into a deep meditative state
Reduced stress and anxiety
Increase creativity and intuition

Your Host

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Valentina <3 works in the liminal space across psychoanalysis, sound healing, mediumship &
psychedelic mysticism.

She has been a practicing psychotherapist for the past nine years, working privately and in the NHS.

She also trained as a transpersonal psychedelic therapist at the AWE Foundation and as a sound healer with Simone Salvatici.

A natural psychic, she further developed and nurtured her gifts at the renowned College of Psychic Studies.

Valentina <3 focuses on the power of sound to access the deepest layers of our psyche and facilitate psychedelic states. She creates sonic impressions with different sound mediums to remove blockages in the psyche that prevent access to the thought patterns that lead to higher consciousness.     

With a passion for beauty, magick, and the pursuit of pleasure, for Valentina <3 healing happens when we begin to listen to and follow our innermost desires, delicately dissolving past conditioning and trauma that halted our authenticity while learning to find humour even in our darkest moments. Her medicine focuses on empowering others to reconnect with the feminine qualities of aesthetics and grace, regardless of gender, and the pursuit of unconditional (self) love: it is through love, that miracles happen. You can learn more about Valentina <3 at