About this experience
Angie's palm readings aim to connect you emotionally with your true self, helping you understand your desires, needs, and unique essence.
"I read your palms, fingers, and nails, observing your archetype, the dominant mounts, the characteristics of your lines, and the symbols. From these, I receive and convey the essential message that you are inscribing in your hands and will continue to write throughout your life."
Her witch name is Angie Soleluna _ her instagram @_s.o.l.e.l.u.n.a_
✨ Please note that all one-to-one sessions are for single individuals; we cannot allow additional people to sit in on a reading. We understand that it can be tempting to bring a friend or family member along, but we believe that each individual deserves to receive a personalized and private experience.
Your Host
Angela Messina, born and raised in Rome, spent ten years living in Buenos Aires. Initially drawn by her love of tango, she remained there to delve deeper into her fascination with the esoteric world.
Specialising in the interpretation of hand symbols and communication with guiding angels, she has honed her skills in Phytomedicine and Flower Therapy, and studied the powerful healing technique of Magnified Healing, developing a profound understanding of the human body, mind, and spirit.
In 2020, she published a book in Argentina titled Quirologia el arte milenario de leer las manos, a guide for learning how to read palms with a therapeutic, non-divinatory approach.